I also have a list of more documents (unpublished) on the theories behind my research.
For citations, including Bibtex, see my academic publications page. You will find supplementary material for some items below.
Statistical Parsing for Harmonic Analysis of Jazz Chord Sequences, Mark Granroth-Wilding and Mark Steedman. In proceedings International Computer Music Conference 2012 (More...)
Harmonic Analysis of Jazz MIDI Files Using Statistical Parsing (extended abstract), Mark Granroth-Wilding and Mark Steedman. In proceedings 5th International Workshop on Machine Learning and Music (MML12)
Analysis of Jazz Chord Sequences with Combinatory Categorial Grammar, SICSA 2011 and Neuromusic IV (2011).
Harmonic Analysis of Music Using Combinatory Categorial Grammar, PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2013.
Automatic Harmonic Analysis of Jazz Chord Progressions Using a Musical Categorial Grammar, MSc thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2008.