The CKY parsing module of the Jazz Parser comes with a graphical chart inspector for inspecting the contents of the chart during parsing. At the time of writing, this is the only part of the parser that has a graphical interface.
Currently, all of the parsing modules available (e.g. pcfg, tagrank) are subclasses of the CKY module, so the chart inspector is available with all of them.
The chart inspector provides an overview of the current state of the chart by displaying a table of the number of signs in each cell (i.e. on each edge).
For an individual cell, you can view the list of all the signs in it.
For an individual sign, you can view its derivation trace (if derivation traces have been stored by the parser - see the -d option in general).
The chart inspector is loaded by passing the inspect option to the parser module. When launching the parser from the command line via the jazzparser script, or eval_tagger you can specify options to the parser using the --popt command-line option.
For example:
./jazzparser --ptopt inspect=True ...etc...
When the parser begins parsing a sequence, it will load up the chart inspector window showing the initial state of the chart (empty).
The chart does not update dynamically, but only when you ask it to. Refresh the display to show the current state of the chart by pressing F5.
To view a list of all the signs (syntactic category and associated semantics) in a particular cell, click on the number in the table for that cell. A cell inspector window will open.
You can view the derivation traces for a particular sign from the right-click context menu on its item in the list.